A velocity sensitive safety valve mechanism, according to the present invention, may include a ball valve assembly that is rotated between open and closed positions to control the flow of production fluid responsive to velocity and pressure conditions of the production fluid. SAFETY VALVES For the purpose of controlling opening and closing of the safety valve mechanism a valve actuator sleeve is provided that supports the valve ball for rotation and is biased toward a position achieving closure of the ball element. Latching means is provided to restrain the actuating sleeve in a position causing the ball or valve element to be maintained in the open position thereof. API Cast Steel ValvesMeans may be provided to function, responsive to a predetermined pressure drop within the conduit upstream of the safety valve mechanism to unlatch the actuator locking mechanism when the flow of production fluid reaches a predetermined maximum limit. Unlatching of the actuator locking mechanism allows the valve element to be biased to its closed position ceasing the flow of production fluid.Hydraulic control valves Opening of the safety valve mechanism and resetting of the unlatching mechanism may be achieved simply by introducing sufficient pressure into the production conduit, above or downstream of the safety valve, to exceed reservoir or casing pressure externally of the safety valve mechanism.