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different types of safety valves
Safety valve(SV) automatic
system that relieve static pressure on a gas. It specifically opens almost
straight to full lift after a pop sound.
Safety relief valve (SRV)
automatic system that relief by static pressure on both gas and liquid.
Pilot operated safety relief
valve (POSRV) automatic system that relief by remote command from a pilot on
which the static pressure (from equipment to protect) is connected.
Low pressure Safety valve (LPSV)
automatic system that relief by static pressure on a gas. The pressure is small
and near the atmospheric pressure.
Vacuum pressure safety valve
(VPSV) automatic system that relief by static pressure on a gas. The pressure is
small, negative and near the atmospheric pressure.
Low and vacuum pressure safety
valve (LVPSV) automatic system that relief by static pressure on a gas. The
pressure is small, negative or positive and near the atmospheric pressure.
RV, SV and SRV are spring
operated (even said spring loaded). LPSV and VPSV are spring operated or weight
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