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DC Pool Pump 2010-12-20
I am looking for pumps suitable for pool filtering that can run on DC current.
Recip Compressor Selection 2010-12-17
Like most Oil & Gas Facilities Engineers I know, I've always left frame and cylinder selection to the packagers (within reason).
Aftermarket Fuel Injection 2010-12-17
Does anyone have experience with after market Fuel injection systems, " Megasquirt " in particular. There is a huge presence on the web about the system, but is seems very disorganized.
The future of the engine as we know it 2010-12-17
I normally run like crazy when someone asks me questions about a "new" engine, but when one of my directors asks me to evaluate a "new design" design, my knees shake. That happened this morning.
Valve material based on pipe material 2010-12-16
Engineers... I am very new to this industry .. I Humbly request you to advise on valve material selection based on pipe material , I am Factory sales engineer so I always get trouble on this regard...
Super Flat Check Valve 2010-12-16
Our client required "Super Flat Check Valve" on the project piping classification.
What is "Super Flat Check Valve"?
Hot water vs/ COld water pressure? 2010-12-16
Can someone tell me why my cold water pressure is greater than my Hot water pressure as it comes from the spigot?
My tank switch is set at (off-60PSI) and has a differential pressure of (10 psi).
Periodic inspection of the rules outlined safety valve 2010-12-14
1. Safety valve installation, specification compliance (rules) requirements; 2. On the safety valve for automatic discharge pressure test its validation, its take-off pressure,